Life sucks, I'm starting to think less positive now somehow. It's the 4th day of the week that I can't fall asleep and have to resort to getting out of bed to watch animes. Everytime I'll be thinking about school, NCC and homeworks which leads me to sleepless nights. Had a WS tourney today and I lost all 4 matches which claimed me the title of Loser of the Day but I managed to stay happy by learning how to play Precious Memories TCG from Edwen, to all you K-ON fans out there, play Precious Memories. Now I'm starting to create a distance between my school friends, I'm starting to prefer the friends I made through playing WS more. Finished Zero no Tsukaima and have to start trying to think positive again. Even resorted to playing H-Games in the holidays, I have a sucky and stressed life....